Monday, August 23, 2010

#8. Have a Game Night

Game night turned into game day when Myrlene and I brought down some old board games to play this morning. We started with a never ending game of Jenga, which I lost. Then we moved to Chutes and Ladders. I had the lead for a while, but then Myrlene started catching up and I landed on the big slide. Needless to say I lost again. Lastly we played The Game of Life! I feel the exclamation was needed there. Myrlene Was an accountant who made $100,00 every pay day. She married a nice m an and moved into a big house and again won the game. I however was a doctor who made $90,000 every pay day, married a woman, and lived in a log cabbin. It was a nice life I geuss.

#14. Watch the Sun Rise

Stephanie and I watched the sun come up this morning. It was sort of cloudy, so we more or less just watched it get lighter outside, but it was fun. The morning was pretty and it felt great!

#6. Stay Up All Night

While camping last night Stephanie and I stayed up all night. There came a point when we lost control and were laughing at a joke on the back of a fruitloops box. We also kept calling them skittles and cherrie'os. We counted bats that flew by, there was 20. I am exhausted.

#4. Go Camping in my Backyard

Myrlene, Stephanie, and I slept outside in a tent all night last night. It rained, and we stayed in the tent. Bugs attacked us, and we stayed in the tent. Myrlene and Stephanie thought something was outside trying to get us, and they stayed in the tent while I went to see what it was. It turned out to be nothing at all, so I mocked them. We talked all night and had a great time. We never fell asleep, but it was worth it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

#18. Host a Dinner Party

Last Night I hosted my dinner party. I originally got the idea from the movie Julie and Julia. I cooked baked spaghetti, french bread, and chocolate cake, with my mommy's help. We ate and talked and listened to a playlist composed of Corinne Bailey Rae, Nora Jones, Duffy, and a few others. When we finished eating, and had nothing else to do, we decided to watch a movie. Over all The night was very successful!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

#11. Have a Water Gun Fight

Stephanie, Stephanie's sister, a kid that lives down the street, Tanner, and I had our water gun fight. We used water balloons, mini water guns, big water guns, the water hoes, and a bucket to demolish each other, and as if we were not soaked enough it rained. I went home drenched and happy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today Stephanie and I went to our neighbor's driveways and wrote them invitations to our "epic water gun battle tomorrow." It worked out well in that they got the message, but it kinda failed. At Chris's house we forgot battle and ended up just writing "epic water gun" and I didn't have room to finish the word tomorrow so i tried to abbreviate it and wrote "at 1 tomro." Oops. Matondo's invite went a little better, but we felt odd when their gardener guy came out and read it. Our last invitation to Sean went well, but we forgot at 1 tomorrow and had to add it randomly to the bottom. Tomorrow is going to be fun!