Saturday, July 31, 2010

#9. Play Capture the Flag in the Walmart

Game Objective: Each team hides their "flag," and the other team tries to find it. The team who finds the "flag" first must run back to the starting point and call the other team to come meet them. Each team gets hints if needed, and neither team is allowed to spy on the other while they are hiding their flag.

The Flags were imposable to see even though they were ridiculously bright orange. The store had a million hidding places. We searched high and low and in the end both teams won once. Other than one extreamly rude lady no one said anything to us. We had to look very odd though, searching through isles and franticly running from one end of the store to the other. It was a very fun day!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Tomorrow and Saturday will be busy days!! Crossing two things off!! yay!! Spent today planning and inviting!! I'm excited!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The jello wrestling is planned for the 6th! I also found a recipe for jello so that I can make it! I know where to have the paint slip'n'slide now, and I also found the perfect movie to see the premear of! I may not have gotten anything crossed off today, but Im well on my way.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

#19. Play Dress Up In Public

Today Matondo and I desided to cross off # 19 on the list: play dress up in public. We started at my house finding odd things to wear, the best of which was butterfly wings. We struted through the rain to the shopping center near the house, waving at passers by. When we arrived at the food lion we entered excitedly awaiting the odd expressions; However our reseption was quite the opposite. people complamented our outfits and smiled at us at every turn. What is wrong with society that two girls can dress as compleat fools and people think they look amazing? I blame resant fashion. We left the grocery store and fluttered all the way down the shopping strip to ace hardware. Once inside the employees fallowed us around as if we planned to steal somthing. A better reaction, but a false one. We snuck out the back way and fluttered our "wings" back down the strip, almost running into the mail man. We may not have gotten the reaction we had expected, but we did give people a story to tell. I can see the little old lady we saw in the food lion going home and telling her husband, "Harold you will never believe what I saw today!" That's all that really matters, making people's day.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Kepping It Up

At least one thing got crossed off. I'll keep working, but with only one thing done I'm slightly loosing hope. I know I can do it though!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

#2. Have A Shopping Cart Race.

Alex and I walked into food lion calmly, pretending to be casual shopers. We got free cookies and scoped out the store. Then, after walking outside to the buggy return, we got buggys and entered the store. Lining up in an empty isle, we said "GO" and took off running through the store. Around donut displayes and past old ladies we raced through the store. I passed Alex up and crossed the finish line, celebrating by hitting my foot on a wheele and jumping in pain. All the people looked around confusedly as we exited laughing as we went. And so, #2 on the list is crossed off!! 19 things to do. 30 days to go.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another Day Gone

With the kayos of today nothing got done. I am trying to get something planned for tomorrow but am still struggling to find cooperative people. I'm beginning to think I need new friends...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wasted Day

Day two and nothing is crossed off the list yet. I tryed to round some people up to do something, but no one wanted to. In fact everyone had a reson why they couldn't. Oh well, one day wasted. no big deal. Tomarow should be better. I don't have anything else to say about today, but I do have a question: Does anyone know how many pakets of instant jello I would need to fill a kiddie pool?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The List

There are 35 days left of summer. Every day goes by quickly, sinking into the past. Memorable things have happend, but none seem suficiant enough to make this summer one to remember. I want to do things that will become imortal in the minds of everyone who witnesses them. I want to create storys my grandchildren will want me to tell. I want to have the best 35 days anyone could ever have. This is why over the next 5 weeks I will be compleating a to do list created by me and a few friends of things that we have always wanted to do. Some may seem rediculous, but we will do each task with smiles on our faces. I will be posting blogs of the events as well as pictures on this site. I will also discuss the events live on my twitter page. Follow me as I compleat all my timeless tasks! Also leave me comments on my efforts. Every opinion is apreciated.
The list of things to do before summer ends is as follows:

1. Have a whipcream fight

2. Have a shopping cart race

3. Hold a "honk if you..." sign on the side of the road

4. Go camping in my backyard

5. Sell pancakes at a roadside stand

6. Stay up all night

7. Run through random people's yard sprinklers

8. Have a game night

9. Play capture the flag in the walmart

10. Draw with chalk in a parkinglot

11. Have a water gun fight

12. Play on a slip'n'slide using paint instead of water

13. Play in a fountan

14. Watch the sun rise

15. Jello wrestle in a kiddie pool

16. Hold a picture scavenger hunt

17. Have a Sumo fight

18. Host a dinner party

19. Play dress up in public

20. Do improv

They will be done in no spacific order, but in 35 days all shall be compleated!